College is a time for children to become adults, and then for those adults to become valuable members of society. There is no more critical a time for them to have the support system they need to make sure they learn the right way of doing things and to start off on the right foot.
Legal assistance when the subscribing student purchased a good or service as a consumer and is involved in a dispute with a business regarding the transaction.
Is the landlord refusing to patch up the hole in the roof that is letting the rain in? Is the landlord in violation of local building or housing codes? Is the landlord violating their obligations under the law or the lease agreement? The plan provides you with an attorney to bring to the dispute.
Drafting and unlimited modifications of Power of Attorney, Designation of Healthcare Surrogate, and Living Will forms that allow students to give their parents the authority to carry out their wishes on their behalf.
Filing the necessary paperwork with the court to expunge or seal qualifying criminal history records so that the student can legally conceal them from third parties, such as potential landlords and employers, finding out about them.
Petitioning the court to have a student’s name legally changed.
If the student and spouse do not have a child in common, agree on how to divide assets and liabilities, and are both willing to waive their rights to any type of financial support from the other spouse, the plans provide for an attorney to provide assistance in petitioning the court for divorce.